

Thanks to Code It Pretty,  I now have a rockin' Pinterest Gadget!

You can log directly into Pinterest to get a simple code, but it only gives you 4 pictures and it is not very pretty. If you have the time, I totally recommend using Code It Pretty's tutorial.

Here is the initial steps...

Ready to get this going on your blog? Here we go!

Get the Code

I've posted the code for this gadget as a Gist on GitHub. Here's the link:

You can either download the code or simply copy and paste it directly from the website.

Edit the Code

Edit the Pinterest URL
Find and replace the text YOUR-USER-NAME with your Pinterest username. For example, I changed:

This tells the gadget to get the photos from my Pinterest boards. If you want to narrow down to one specific board, use this structure for the RSS url:

Once you've done that, save the file and then let's move forward!

Installing the Gadget

Now, open up your Blogger account if you haven't already.
  1. Go to "Layout"
  2. Click "Add a Gadget" wherever you'd like the gadget to appear.
  3. Select "HTML/Javascript" from the gadget menu.
  4. Copy and paste your code into the gadget.
  5. Save your gadget and check out your page! If it's not perfect, we'll go over how to make it perfect in the next section. If it's perfect, yay! Get back to Pinning!
Note that the gadget doesn't update instantaneously when you pin something new. New pins usually show up within an hour after they're posted. There's no way to speed that up.

If you want to change the size of images, hover direction, disabling the hover and more, please look at Code It Pretty's site.

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