

I have two in diapers. 

This is what our bi-weekly purchase looks like.

One is 2 1/2, the other is 9 months.

I cannot wait to be out of them, but seeing as how I have boys, I may at least have another 2 years to go for my youngest.

I don't know about you, but I don't always have time to go across the house to the changing pad to change every diaper. So, I've created little diaper stations throughout my house to go along with diaper central.

Yep, I have one in my room, the family room and the boys room. 

Of course the boys room is diaper central completely filled with wipes, diapers, diaper cream, powder, everything we need in full size amounts.

For diaper central, I bought the storage bins at IKEA, 6 for $8 and when you don't need them anymore, you unzip and it folds back down flat. There are 2 of each size.

The big ones I use for diapers and bibs. The medium ones hold the wipes and diaper creams. The small ones hold the baby lotions and oils, teething gel, pacifiers... all of the lose odds and ends.

The diaper stations in my room and family room are smaller amounts. Just a few diapers for each and wipes, diaper cream, lotion and powder.

Do you change all of your diapers at the changing table? Or are you more like me? 

1 comment:

  1. I use this product for diaper storage and a changing mat in my family room:



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